This is a favourite amongst a lot of our blind tasters, it's an easy drinking, refreshing and light roasted coffee inspired by the famous (and famously expensive) Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee.
Discovery has a clean, almost sweet herbal and nutty profile. It has a bright aroma, almost fruity and lacks any bitterness to appear almost creamy.
It'd great for enjoying as an espresso, filter or in one of our pods.
Great for sharing and a go to coffee to enjoy all day, even in cold brew or ice coffee. A great coffee if you're trying to cut back the sugar intake too as it has no acidity to balance.
When we set out to emulate the famous flavour we had 3 things in mind:
1. Quality
2. Flavour
3. Price
Quality and Flavour go without saying, you don't live and breathe coffee like we do without being concerned about these factors but cost is a big factor with this particular coffee.
The real 'Blue' costs a premium, understandably and there isn't an unlimited supply. What we wanted to do was deliver a cup of coffee with a similar flavour profile but without that premium price tag.
So Discovery was born.
Discovery is named, like most of our signature blends, after the Enlightenment Period of European… and largely British history.
Coffee was a unifying, stimulating and inspiring factor in one of our greatest historical periods of history and we feel that coffee still has a place in our society for these reasons.
Coffee houses brought men of varying means together, from different skills and areas of study to discuss their thoughts and failures. It allowed advances in science, engineering and philosophy amongst others.
We celebrate these people and the inspiration they had together over coffee, so we invite you to make your own discoveries from the inspiration in your cup and why not share a pot with friends and have some of those 'deep and meaningfuls' that allow us to expand beyond our current reach?
Inspirational stuff. Discover Discovery today.
If you haven't signed up for our Good News letter, an email delivered for free every week full of inspiring, positive news from around the world… why not do it now? Hit the + tab on any page to find the sign up form as well as any other handy links and buy buttons!
Discovery has a clean, almost sweet herbal and nutty profile. It has a bright aroma, almost fruity and lacks any bitterness to appear almost creamy.
It'd great for enjoying as an espresso, filter or in one of our pods.
Great for sharing and a go to coffee to enjoy all day, even in cold brew or ice coffee. A great coffee if you're trying to cut back the sugar intake too as it has no acidity to balance.
When we set out to emulate the famous flavour we had 3 things in mind:
1. Quality
2. Flavour
3. Price
Quality and Flavour go without saying, you don't live and breathe coffee like we do without being concerned about these factors but cost is a big factor with this particular coffee.
The real 'Blue' costs a premium, understandably and there isn't an unlimited supply. What we wanted to do was deliver a cup of coffee with a similar flavour profile but without that premium price tag.
So Discovery was born.
Discovery is named, like most of our signature blends, after the Enlightenment Period of European… and largely British history.
Coffee was a unifying, stimulating and inspiring factor in one of our greatest historical periods of history and we feel that coffee still has a place in our society for these reasons.
Coffee houses brought men of varying means together, from different skills and areas of study to discuss their thoughts and failures. It allowed advances in science, engineering and philosophy amongst others.
We celebrate these people and the inspiration they had together over coffee, so we invite you to make your own discoveries from the inspiration in your cup and why not share a pot with friends and have some of those 'deep and meaningfuls' that allow us to expand beyond our current reach?
Inspirational stuff. Discover Discovery today.
If you haven't signed up for our Good News letter, an email delivered for free every week full of inspiring, positive news from around the world… why not do it now? Hit the + tab on any page to find the sign up form as well as any other handy links and buy buttons!
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